Soja previne câncer de mama: mais dados

Soja previne câncer de mama: mais dados

Pesquisadores da Universidade do Havaí mostraram que o consumo de soja por mulheres quando crianças (5 a 11 anos) mostra que elas tinham probabilidade 58% menor do que as que raramente consumiam soja e seus produtos (tofu, miso etc). As que somente passaram a consumir soja regularmente mais tarde tinham uma probabilidade 25% menor de desenvolver um câncer de mama.

It seems scientists can’t make up their minds in regards to the advantages and disadvantages of soy and soy products, as we either hear soy might be useful in the prevention of cancer but it might very well cause hormonal imbalances. Which is it?

A group of scientists recently brought forward evidence sustaining the health merits of soy. Researchers at the National Cancer Institute (USA) and the University of Hawaii are saying that female children who regularly eat soy and soy products could thus reduce the chances of developing breast cancer later in life.

The study was presented at an American Association for Cancer Research meeting, Boston, USA; the researchers looked at data on 1563 Asian/American women. Of these, 597 had breast cancer and 966 did not. The researchers found that the women who had eaten large quantities of tofu, miso and other soy products as children (aged 5-11) were 58% less likely to develop breast cancer as adults, compared to those who had eaten very little soy products. Even adolescent women/girls and adult women who regularly consumed soy products had a 25% lower chance of developing breast cancer.

"This is the first study to look at childhood soy exposure and the later risk of breast cancer. It suggests that there really is a biologic effect for soy, and we're excited about that," said Dr. Larissa Korde, researcher at the National Cancer Institute. The lead researcher of the NCI study also says it would be premature to recommend changes in children's diets on the basis of these results.

A possible explanation which the researchers have come up with for this phenomen is the presence of isoflavones, which are present in soy and have a similar effect to estrogens; they may be the ingredients that offer the cancer protection.

It is possible that regular, moderate consumption of whole-soy foods (such as soy nuts, edamame, soy milk, tofu and tempeh) affects the development of breast tissue in young females, perhaps making it more resistant to carcinogens, including estrogenic agents in the environment. Some doctors think that boys following a similar diet might reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer in the future.

This East Asian plant hasn’t always been a favorite od doctors. In the past, isoflavones-containing soy has been considered unsafe, because some isoflavones, in isolated form, can stimulate the growth of estrogen-receptor-positive breast-cancer cells. This novel study contests such beliefs, showing that Asian women who consume soy have lower rates of breast cancer, compared to Western women who avoid soy.

Other controversies concerning soy are about the plant’s being allergenic and about causing thyroid dysfunctions.

According to the latest figures from the World Health Organization, around 1.5 million people worldwide will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006.


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